OpenCL Issues





This is indicates a problem with your OpenCL device (CPU/GPU) or driver.

  1. 보류 중인 운영 체제 업데이트를 설치합니다.

  2. Update your GPU drivers to the latest available version.

  3. Verify that your driver supports OpenCL 1.2.

  4. Check the GPU Requirements.



Your system is missing OpenCL drivers.


This is indicates a problem with your OpenCL device (CPU/GPU) or driver.

  1. OpenCL 장치(CPU/GPU)에서 메모리를 사용하는 실행 중인 다른 프로그램이 없는지 확인하십시오.

  2. 스크립트의 모든 개체를 삭제했는지 확인하고 Memory Leak in .NET 을 확인하십시오.

  3. Verify that your driver supports OpenCL 1.2.

  4. Check the GPU Requirements.

  5. If necessary, upgrade your OpenCL device to a model with more resources.

  6. Ubuntu 20.04만 해당: Intel GPU를 렌더링 장치로 사용하는 Linux 5.8 커널에서 openCL 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. LTS(stable) 기본 Linux 커널 5.4로 다운그레이드하여 수정하십시오.



Your computer does not have enough memory to execute the current task.

  1. OpenCL 장치(CPU/GPU)에서 메모리를 사용하는 실행 중인 다른 프로그램이 없는지 확인하십시오.

  2. Check the GPU Requirements.

  3. 필요한 경우 컴퓨터의 메모리를 업그레이드하십시오.


To check if your OpenCL driver is above the required version, you can use clinfo.

  1. Download the clinfo Windows binary file.

  2. Launch the Command Prompt by pressing Win + R keys on the keyboard, then type cmd and press Enter.

  3. Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded file (clinfo.exe) and execute the following command:

    clinfo.exe -l

    This will print all available information about all OpenCL platforms on the system and the devices they expose.


    If your GPU is not listed you may need to install the OpenCL drivers and/or graphics drivers.

  4. To check the OpenCL driver version, use clinfo and search for the OpenCL platform version:

    clinfo.exe | findstr "Platform\ Version"

    If the version is below OpenCL 1.2, you need to update your graphics drivers.

  1. Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T keys on the keyboard and install clinfo.

    sudo apt install -y clinfo
  2. Run clinfo -l to list all OpenCL platforms.

    sudo /usr/bin/clinfo -l

    This will print all available information about all OpenCL platforms on the system and the devices they expose.

    If your GPU is not listed you may need to install the OpenCL drivers and/or graphics drivers.

  3. To check the OpenCL driver version, use clinfo and search for the OpenCL platform version:

    sudo /usr/bin/clinfo | grep "Platform Version"

    If the version is below OpenCL 1.2, you need to update your OpenCL drivers and/or graphics drivers.


On Ubuntu, you may need to add your user as part of the render and/or video groups for OpenCL to work.

OpenCL will not work if your user is not part of the render group and the video group.

OpenCL will not work if your user is not part of the render group.


Support for Ubuntu 18.04 is removed since SDK 2.10. To see Ubuntu 18.04 instructions for an earlier SDK version, change the Knowledge Base version in the top left corner.

Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T keys on the keyboard, then add your user to the correct group:

sudo gpasswd -a $USER render
sudo gpasswd -a $USER video
sudo gpasswd -a $USER render

Restart your PC:

sudo reboot