Positioning Correctly

Mounting the camera straight above the scene is most common and recommend.

It is especially beneficial for imaging large surfaces that are extremely specular, and in particular, also dark. Here you will benefit from mounting the camera perpendicular to the object to maximize the signal back to the camera.

The 2D camera and the projector have an angle with respect to the center axis. This should be considered if it is desired to have the camera perpendicular to the scene.

Zivid 2+ MR130/M130 as seen from above. Shows how the camera is angled relative to the projector.
Zivid 2+ LR110/L110 as seen from above. Shows how the camera is angled relative to the projector.
Zivid 2+ MR60/M60 as seen from above. Shows how the camera is angled relative to the projector.
위에서 본 Zivid 2. 카메라가 프로젝터를 기준으로 기울어지는 방식을 보여줍니다.

In presence of strong interreflections from the bin walls, you can place the Zivid camera projector above the back edge or above the rear corner of the bin (see images below). Pan and tilt it so that the 2D camera is looking at the center of the bin. The projector rays should not fall on the inner surfaces of the two walls closest to the projector; they should almost be parallel to those two walls.


Mounting the camera this way minimizes interreflections from the bin walls, and also frees up space above the scene for easier access for tools and robots.

장면에 구분선을 가진 빈 혹은 여러 빈이 있는 경우 Occlusion(가림 현상)을 최소화하도록 카메라를 장착합니다. Occlusion은 빈 피킹에서 고정 장착 카메라에 특히 중요합니다. 계산기를 사용하여 Calculate Occlusion 을 미리 확인 할 수 있습니다.

물리적 설치를 위한 카메라 및 카메라 MountsMounting Specifications 을 확인하고, 로봇에 장착된 카메라가 있는 경우 Mechanical Considerations for Robot Mounting 읽어 보십시오. 이 튜토리얼은 로봇 장착을 위한 액세서리 및 장비의 구매 또는 설계, 통합 및 설치와 관련하여 올바른 결정을 내리는 데 도움이 됩니다.

다음 섹션에서는 selecting Camera Settings based on capture speed 요구 사항에 대해 안내합니다.