一些Zivid示例需要使用到 Sample Data(示例数据)。
Capture - Capture colored point cloud, save 2D image, save 3D ZDF, and export PLY, using the Zivid camera.
CaptureFromFileCamera - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera.
CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings.
CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture images and point clouds, with or without color, from the Zivid camera with settings from YML file.
AllocateMemoryForPointCloudData - Two methods to copy point cloud data from GPU memory to CPU memory, to be consumed by OpenCV.
Capture2DAnd3D - Capture 2D and 3D separately with the Zivid camera.
CaptureHalconViaGenICam - Capture and save a point cloud, with colors, using GenICam interface and Halcon C++ SDK.
CaptureHalconViaZivid - Capture a point cloud, with colors, using Zivid SDK, transform it to a Halcon point cloud and save it using Halcon C++ SDK.
CaptureHDRLoop - Cover the same dynamic range in a scene with different acquisition settings to optimize for quality, speed, or to find a compromise.
CaptureHDRPrintNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and print a subset.
CaptureViaGenICam - Capture using the GenICam interface.
MultiCameraCaptureInParallel - Capture point clouds with multiple cameras in parallel.
MultiCameraCaptureSequentially - Capture point clouds with multiple cameras sequentially.
MultiCameraCaptureSequentiallyWithInterleavedProcessing - Capture point clouds with multiple cameras sequentially with interleaved processing.
AutomaticNetworkConfigurationForCameras - * Automatically configure the IP addresses of connected cameras to match the network of the user’s PC.
CameraInfo - List connected cameras and print camera version and state information for each connected camera.
CameraUserData - Store user data on the Zivid camera.
CaptureWithDiagnostics - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file and diagnostics enabled.
FirmwareUpdater - Update firmware on the Zivid camera.
FrameInfo - Read frame info from the Zivid camera.
GetCameraIntrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model) or estimate them from the point cloud.
NetworkConfiguration - Uses Zivid API to change the IP address of the Zivid camera.
SettingsInfo - Read settings info from the Zivid camera.
Warmup - Short example of a basic way to warm up the camera with specified time and capture cycle.
ZividBenchmark - Zividbenchmark is a sample that will test the average speed of different operations on your computer.
CorrectCameraInField - Correct the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
ResetCameraInField - Reset infield correction on a camera.
VerifyCameraInField - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
VerifyCameraInFieldFromZDF - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera from a ZDF file.
CaptureFromFileCameraVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera and visualize them.
CaptureHDRVisNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, with color and normals, and visualize it in 3D and as a normal map.
CaptureVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize it.
CaptureWritePCLVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, save it to PCD file format, and visualize it.
ProjectImageStartAndStop - Start the Image Projection and Stop it.
ReadAndProjectImage - Read a 2D image from file and project it using the camera projector.
ReadPCLVis3D - Read point cloud from PCL file and visualize it.
ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.
CaptureUndistort2D - Use camera intrinsics to undistort a 2D image.
CreateDepthMap - Convert point cloud from a ZDF file to OpenCV format, extract depth map and visualize it.
Downsample - Downsample point cloud from a ZDF file.
GammaCorrection - Capture 2D image with gamma correction.
HandEyeCalibration - Perform Hand-Eye calibration.
MaskPointCloud - Mask point cloud from a ZDF file and convert to PCL format, extract depth map and visualize it.
ProjectAndFindMarker - Show a marker using the projector, capture a set of 2D images to find the marker coordinates (2D and 3D).
ReprojectPoints - Illuminate checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) corners by getting checkerboard pose
ROIBoxViaArucoMarker - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the ArUco marker on a Zivid Calibration Board.
ROIBoxViaCheckerboard - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the Zivid Calibration Board.
TransformPointCloudFromMillimetersToMeters - Transform point cloud data from millimeters to meters.
TransformPointCloudViaArucoMarker - Transform a point cloud from camera to ArUco marker coordinate frame by estimating the marker’s pose from the point cloud.
TransformPointCloudViaCheckerboard - Transform a point cloud from camera to checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) coordinate frame by getting checkerboard pose from the API.
PoseConversions - Convert to/from Transformation Matrix (Rotation Matrix + Translation Vector)
UtilizeHandEyeCalibration - Transform single data point or entire point cloud from camera to robot base reference frame using Hand-Eye calibration
MultiCameraCalibration - Use captures of a calibration object to generate transformation matrices to a single coordinate frame, from connected cameras.
MultiCameraCalibrationFromZDF - Use captures of a calibration object to generate transformation matrices to a single coordinate frame, from a ZDF files.
StitchByTransformation - Use transformation matrices from Multi-Camera calibration to transform point clouds into single coordinate frame, from connected cameras.
StitchByTransformationFromZDF - Use transformation matrices from Multi-Camera calibration to transform point clouds into single coordinate frame, from a ZDF files.
Capture - Capture colored point cloud, save 2D image, save 3D ZDF, and export PLY, using the Zivid camera.
CaptureFromFileCamera - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera.
CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings.
CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture images and point clouds, with or without color, from the Zivid camera with settings from YML file.
CaptureHalconViaGenICam - Capture and save a point cloud, with colors, using GenICam interface and Halcon C++ SDK.
CaptureHalconViaZivid - Capture a point cloud, with colors, using Zivid SDK, transform it to a Halcon point cloud and save it using Halcon C++ SDK.
CaptureHDRLoop - Cover the same dynamic range in a scene with different acquisition settings to optimize for quality, speed, or to find a compromise.
CaptureHDRPrintNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and print a subset.
AutomaticNetworkConfigurationForCameras - * Automatically configure the IP addresses of connected cameras to match the network of the user’s PC.
CameraInfo - List connected cameras and print camera version and state information for each connected camera.
CameraUserData - Store user data on the Zivid camera.
CaptureWithDiagnostics - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file and diagnostics enabled.
FirmwareUpdater - Update firmware on the Zivid camera.
FrameInfo - Read frame info from the Zivid camera.
GetCameraIntrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model) or estimate them from the point cloud.
NetworkConfiguration - Uses Zivid API to change the IP address of the Zivid camera.
Warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.
CorrectCameraInField - Correct the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
ResetCameraInField - Reset infield correction on a camera.
VerifyCameraInField - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
VerifyCameraInFieldFromZDF - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera from a ZDF file.
CaptureFromFileCameraVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera and visualize them.
CaptureVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize them.
ProjectImageStartAndStop - Start the Image Projection and Stop it.
ReadAndProjectImage - Read a 2D image from file and project it using the camera projector.
ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.
ZDF2PLY - Convert point cloud from a ZDF file to a PLY file.
Downsample - Downsample point cloud from a ZDF file.
HandEyeCalibration - Perform Hand-Eye calibration.
MultiCameraCalibration - Use captures of a calibration object to generate transformation matrices to a single coordinate frame.
ROIBoxViaArucoMarker - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the ArUco marker on a Zivid Calibration Board.
ROIBoxViaCheckerboard - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the Zivid Calibration Board.
TransformPointCloudFromMillimetersToMeters - Transform point cloud data from millimeters to meters.
TransformPointCloudViaArucoMarker - Transform a point cloud from camera to ArUco marker coordinate frame by estimating the marker’s pose from the point cloud.
TransformPointCloudViaCheckerboard - Transform a point cloud from camera to checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) coordinate frame by getting checkerboard pose from the API.
PoseConversions - Convert to/from Transformation Matrix (Rotation Matrix + Translation Vector)
UtilizeHandEyeCalibration - Transform single data point or entire point cloud from camera to robot base reference frame using Hand-Eye calibration
capture - Capture colored point cloud, save 2D image, save 3D ZDF, and export PLY, using the Zivid camera.
capture_from_file_camera - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera.
capture_hdr_complete_settings - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings.
capture_with_settings_from_yml - Capture images and point clouds, with or without color, from the Zivid camera with settings from YML file.
capture_2d_and_3d - Capture 2D and 3D separately with the Zivid camera.
capture_hdr_loop - Cover the same dynamic range in a scene with different acquisition settings to optimize for quality, speed, or to find a compromise.
capture_hdr_print_normals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and print a subset.
automatic_network_configuration_for_cameras - Automatically configure the IP addresses of connected cameras to match the network of the user’s PC.
camera_info - Print version information for Python, zivid-python and Zivid SDK, then list cameras and print camera info and state for each connected camera.
camera_user_data - Store user data on the Zivid camera.
capture_with_diagnostics - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file and diagnostics enabled.
firmware_updater - Update firmware on the Zivid camera.
frame_info - Read frame info from the Zivid camera.
get_camera_intrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model) or estimate them from the point cloud.
network_configuration - Uses Zivid API to change the IP address of the Zivid camera.
warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.
correct_camera_in_field - Correct the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
reset_camera_in_field - Reset infield correction on a camera.
verify_camera_in_field - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
verify_camera_in_field_from_zdf - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera from a ZDF file.
capture_from_file_camera_vis_3d - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera.
capture_hdr_vis_normals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and convert to color map and display.
capture_vis_3d - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize it.
project_image_start_and_stop - Start the Image Projection and Stop it.
read_and_project_image - Read a 2D image from file and project it using the camera projector.
read_zdf_vis_3d - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file and visualize it.
convert_zdf - Convert point cloud data from a ZDF file to your preferred format (PLY, CSV, TXT, PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF).
read_iterate_zdf - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.
auto_2d_settings - Automatically find 2D settings for a 2D capture by using a Zivid calibration board.
color_balance - Balance color of a 2D image by using a Zivid calibration board.
create_depth_map - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, convert it to OpenCV format, then extract and visualize depth map.
downsample - Downsample point cloud from a ZDF file.
gamma_correction - Capture 2D image with gamma correction.
get_checkerboard_pose_from_zdf - Read point cloud data of a Zivid calibration board from a ZDF file, estimate the
hand_eye_calibration - Perform Hand-Eye calibration.
mask_point_cloud - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, apply a binary mask, and visualize it.
project_and_find_marker - Show a marker using the projector, capture a set of 2D images to find the marker coordinates (2D and 3D).
reproject_points - Illuminate checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) corners by getting checkerboard pose
roi_box_via_aruco_marker - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the ArUco marker on a Zivid Calibration Board.
roi_box_via_checkerboard - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the Zivid Calibration Board.
transform_point_cloud_from_millimeters_to_meters - Transform point cloud data from millimeters to meters.
transform_point_cloud_via_aruco_marker - Transform a point cloud from camera to ArUco marker coordinate frame by estimating the marker’s pose from the point cloud.
transform_point_cloud_via_checkerboard - Transform a point cloud from camera to checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) coordinate frame by getting checkerboard pose from the API.
hand_eye_gui - Hand-Eye Calibration GUI
pose_conversion_gui - Convert between different rotation formats with a GUI:
pose_conversions - Convert to/from Transformation Matrix (Rotation Matrix + Translation Vector).
robodk_hand_eye_calibration - Generate a dataset and perform hand-eye calibration using the Robodk interface.
utilize_hand_eye_calibration - Transform single data point or entire point cloud from camera to robot base reference frame using Hand-Eye calibration
verify_hand_eye_with_visualization - Verify hand-eye calibration by transforming all dataset point clouds and
universal_robots_perform_hand_eye_calibration - Script to generate a dataset and perform hand-eye calibration using a Universal Robot UR5e robot.
robodk_verify_hand_eye_calibration - Perform a touch test with a robot to verify Hand-Eye Calibration using the RoboDK interface.
robodk_robot_guidance - Guide the robot to follow a path on the Zivid Calibration Board.
calibration_board_utils - Utility functions for the Zivid calibration board.
display - Display relevant data for Zivid Samples.
paths - Get relevant paths for Zivid Samples.
robodk_tools - Robot Control Module
save_load_matrix - Save and load Zivid 4x4 transformation matrices from and to YAML files.
transformation_matrix - Convenience functions and a class for 4x4 transformation matrices.
white_balance_calibration - Balance color for 2D capture using white surface as reference.
Capture - Capture a 3D color point cloud from the camera and use it to generate a HALCON ObjectModel3D which is then visualized.
CaptureHDR - Capture an HDR image from the camera and use it to generate a HALCON ObjectModel3D which is then visualized.
CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture an HDR image from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings for each frame.
CaptureSavePLY - Capture a 3D color point cloud from the camera and save it to a PLY file format.
CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture a 3D color point cloud from the camera and use it to generate a HALCON ObjectModel3D which is then visualized.
ConnectToSerialNumberCamera - Connect to a specific Zivid 3D camera based on its serial number.
CaptureHDRLoop - Capture HDR images from the camera in a loop (while actively changing some HDR settings).
QuerySettingsAndParameters - Query information about the image acquisition interface and selected specific parameters of Zivid camera.
Warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.
ReadPLY - Import and display a Zivid point cloud from a PLY file.
SurfaceMatchingCreateModel - Create a model for HALCON surface-based 3D matching algorithm from a Zivid point cloud captured by a camera.
SurfaceMatchingCreateModelFromFile - Create a model for HALCON surface-based 3D matching algorithm from a Zivid point cloud loaded from a ZDF file.
SurfaceMatchingFindModel - Utilize surface-based 3D matching on data taken with a Zivid camera.
SurfaceMatchingFindModelFromFile - Utilize surface-based 3D matching on data taken with a Zivid camera.
Capture - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera.
Capture2D - Capture 2D images from the Zivid camera.
CaptureAssistant - Capture Assistant to capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera.
CaptureFromFileCamera - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid file camera. Currently supported by Zivid One.
CaptureHDR - Capture HDR point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera.
zividApplication - application = zividApplication(folder)
GetCameraIntrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model).
CaptureFromFileCameraVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the virtual Zivid camera, and visualize it. Currently supported by Zivid One.
CaptureVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize it.
convertZDF - convertZDF(inputFileName,outputFileFormat)
ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.
readZDF - [xyz,rgba,snr] = readZDF(dataFile)
Downsample - Downsample point cloud from ZDF file.
访问 zivid-ros Github 存储库。
点击键盘上的Win+R键启动命令提示符,然后键入 cmd
,接着按下 Enter。
git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-cpp-samples
使用CMake配置示例解决方案,在Visual Studio中打开示例,生成并运行。更多相关信息,请参阅 使用 CMake 配置 C++ 示例并在 Windows 的 Visual Studio 中构建它们。
点击键盘上的 Ctrl + Alt + T 键打开终端。
git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-cpp-samples
cd zivid-cpp-samples
mkdir build
cd build
cmake <options, see below> ../source
make -j
一些示例依赖于第三方库,比如Eigen 3、OpenCV、PCL或HALCON。如果您不想安装这些库,您可以通过关闭以下选项来禁用相关的示例 : cmake : -DUSE_EIGEN3=OFF
Eigen 3:设置
是Eigen3安装的根目录(包含 Eigen/Core、Eigen/Dense等的文件夹)PCL 和 OpenCV:如果您的系统上安装了较新的版本,这些示例应该可以正常工作。如果没有,设置
的目录 。HALCON:如果您的系统上安装了较新的版本,这些示例应该可以正常工作。
如需获取更多相关信息,请访问GitHub zivid-cpp-samples 存储库。
点击键盘上的Win+R键启动命令提示符,然后键入 cmd
,接着按下 Enter。
git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-csharp-samples
在Visual Studio中打开ZividNETSamples.sln,生成并运行它。如果您不确定如何操作,请查看 使用Visual Studio构建C#示例。
一些示例依赖于外部库,特别是 MathNet.Numerics
和 System.ValueTuple
如需获取更多相关信息,请访问GitHub zivid-csharp-samples 存储库。
这些示例的推荐 Python 版本是 3.7 - 3.9 。
查看 Zivid Python 示例存储库:
git clone http://github.com/zivid/zivid-python-samples.git
使用IDE或命令行安装runtime requirements:
cd zivid-python-samples pip install -r requirements.txt
在 Windows 上运行 GUI 示例应该通过
如需获取更多相关信息,请访问GitHub zivid-python-samples 存储库。
如果你想在HALCON中使用 Zivid,我们提供了一个GenICam GenTL producer( 从 Zivid Software 安装)。
Zivid 和 HALCON 与 Windows 10 和 11 以及 Ubuntu 20.04、22.04、24.04 兼容。
自 SDK 2.10 起,移除了对 Ubuntu 18.04 的支持。
19.05 Progress, 20.05 Progress, 21.11 Progress
如需获取更多相关信息,请访问GitHub zivid-halcon-samples 存储库。
安装MATLAB软件。注意:使用Zivid相机测试的版本是 2019a。
查看 使用Zivid .NET SDK创建一个MATLAB”Hello World”应用程序
如需获取更多相关信息,请访问GitHub zivid-matlab-samples 存储库。
查看 zivid-ros GitHub 存储库以获取安装说明、代码示例以及如何开始使用 Zivid ROS 2 驱动程序。如果您使用的是 ROS 1,请参阅 zivid-ros-1 分支。
Sample |
C++ |
C# |
Python |
HDevelop |
Basic |
Capture |
Capture2D |
CaptureAssistant |
CaptureFromFileCamera |
CaptureHdr |
CaptureHdrCompleteSettings |
CaptureSavePly |
CaptureWithSettingsFromYml |
ConnectToSerialNumberCamera |
ZividApplication |
Advanced |
AllocateMemoryForPointCloudData |
Capture2DAnd3D |
CaptureHalconViaGenICam |
CaptureHalconViaZivid |
CaptureHdrLoop |
CaptureHdrPrintNormals |
CaptureViaGenICam |
MultiCameraCaptureInParallel |
MultiCameraCaptureSequentially |
MultiCameraCaptureSequentiallyWithInterleavedProcessing |
InfoUtilOther |
AutomaticNetworkConfigurationForCameras |
CameraInfo |
CameraUserData |
CaptureWithDiagnostics |
FirmwareUpdater |
FrameInfo |
GetCameraIntrinsics |
NetworkConfiguration |
QuerySettingsAndParameters |
SettingsInfo |
Warmup |
ZividBenchmark |
Maintenance |
CorrectCameraInField |
ResetCameraInField |
VerifyCameraInField |
VerifyCameraInFieldFromZdf |
Sample |
C++ |
C# |
Python |
HDevelop |
Basic/Visualization |
CaptureFromFileCameraVis3D |
CaptureHdrVisNormals |
CaptureVis3D |
CaptureWritePclVis3D |
ProjectImageStartAndStop |
ReadAndProjectImage |
ReadPclVis3D |
read_zdf_vis_3d |
Basic/FileFormats |
convert_zdf |
ReadIterateZdf |
ReadPly |
ReadZdf |
Zdf2Ply |
Advanced |
auto_2d_settings |
CaptureUndistort2D |
color_balance |
CreateDepthMap |
Downsample |
GammaCorrection |
get_checkerboard_pose_from_zdf |
HandEyeCalibration |
MaskPointCloud |
MultiCameraCalibration |
ProjectAndFindMarker |
ReprojectPoints |
RoiBoxViaArucoMarker |
RoiBoxViaCheckerboard |
TransformPointCloudFromMillimetersToMeters |
TransformPointCloudViaArucoMarker |
TransformPointCloudViaCheckerboard |
Advanced/HandEyeCalibration |
hand_eye_gui |
pose_conversion_gui |
PoseConversions |
robodk_hand_eye_calibration |
UtilizeHandEyeCalibration |
verify_hand_eye_with_visualization |
Advanced/HandEyeCalibration/UrHandEyeCalibration |
universal_robots_perform_hand_eye_calibration |
Advanced/HandEyeCalibration/RobodkHandEyeCalibration |
robodk_verify_hand_eye_calibration |
Advanced/MultiCamera |
MultiCameraCalibration |
MultiCameraCalibrationFromZdf |
StitchByTransformation |
StitchByTransformationFromZdf |
Advanced/ObjectMatching |
SurfaceMatchingCreateModel |
SurfaceMatchingCreateModelFromFile |
SurfaceMatchingFindModel |
SurfaceMatchingFindModelFromFile |
Advanced/RobotGuidance |
robodk_robot_guidance |
Sample |
C++ |
C# |
Python |
HDevelop |
Zividsamples |
calibration_board_utils |
display |
paths |
robodk_tools |
save_load_matrix |
transformation_matrix |
white_balance_calibration |