

示例主要分为两类:相机应用相机 类别中的示例侧重于如何使用相机。 应用 类别中的示例则侧重于使用相机生成的输出,例如3D点云、2D图像或来自相机的其它数据。这些示例展示了可以如何使用来自相机的数据。

  • Camera

  • Applications

    • Basic

      • Visualization

        • CaptureFromFileCameraVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera and visualize them.

        • CaptureHDRVisNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, with color and normals, and visualize it in 3D and as a normal map.

        • CaptureVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize it.

        • CaptureWritePCLVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, save it to PCD file format, and visualize it.

        • ProjectImageStartAndStop - Start the Image Projection and Stop it.

        • ReadAndProjectImage - Read a 2D image from file and project it using the camera projector.

        • ReadPCLVis3D - Read point cloud from PCL file and visualize it.

      • FileFormats

        • ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.

    • Advanced

      • CaptureUndistort2D - Use camera intrinsics to undistort a 2D image.

      • CreateDepthMap - Convert point cloud from a ZDF file to OpenCV format, extract depth map and visualize it.

      • Downsample - Downsample point cloud from a ZDF file.

      • GammaCorrection - Capture 2D image with gamma correction.

      • HandEyeCalibration - Perform Hand-Eye calibration.

      • MaskPointCloud - Mask point cloud from a ZDF file and convert to PCL format, extract depth map and visualize it.

      • ProjectAndFindMarker - Show a marker using the projector, capture a set of 2D images to find the marker coordinates (2D and 3D).

      • ReprojectPoints - Illuminate checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) corners by getting checkerboard pose

      • ROIBoxViaArucoMarker - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the ArUco marker on a Zivid Calibration Board.

      • ROIBoxViaCheckerboard - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the Zivid Calibration Board.

      • TransformPointCloudFromMillimetersToMeters - Transform point cloud data from millimeters to meters.

      • TransformPointCloudViaArucoMarker - Transform a point cloud from camera to ArUco marker coordinate frame by estimating the marker’s pose from the point cloud.

      • TransformPointCloudViaCheckerboard - Transform a point cloud from camera to checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) coordinate frame by getting checkerboard pose from the API.

      • HandEyeCalibration

        • PoseConversions - Convert to/from Transformation Matrix (Rotation Matrix + Translation Vector)

        • UtilizeHandEyeCalibration - Transform single data point or entire point cloud from camera to robot base reference frame using Hand-Eye calibration

      • MultiCamera

        • MultiCameraCalibration - Use captures of a calibration object to generate transformation matrices to a single coordinate frame, from connected cameras.

        • MultiCameraCalibrationFromZDF - Use captures of a calibration object to generate transformation matrices to a single coordinate frame, from a ZDF files.

        • StitchByTransformation - Use transformation matrices from Multi-Camera calibration to transform point clouds into single coordinate frame, from connected cameras.

        • StitchByTransformationFromZDF - Use transformation matrices from Multi-Camera calibration to transform point clouds into single coordinate frame, from a ZDF files.


  1. 安装Zivid软件

  2. 下载Zivid示例数据


点击键盘上的Win+R键启动命令提示符,然后输入 cmd 并 按 Enter 键。


git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-cpp-samples

使用CMake配置示例解决方案,在Visual Studio中打开示例,生成并运行。更多相关信息,更多相关信息,请参阅 使用 CMake 配置 C++ 示例并在 Windows 的 Visual Studio 中构建它们


点击键盘上的 Ctrl + Alt + T 键打开终端。


git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-cpp-samples
cd zivid-cpp-samples


mkdir build
cd build
cmake <options, see below> ../source
make -j

一些示例依赖于外部库,特别是Eigen 3、OpenCV、PCL或HALCON。如果您不想安装这些,您可以通过分别传递以下选项来根据它们禁用示例,以 cmake-DUSE_EIGEN3=OFF, -DUSE_OPENCV=OFF, -DUSE_PCL=OFF, -DUSE_HALCON=OFF.


  • 特征 3:设置 -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=<path> 在哪里 <path> 是Eigen3安装的根目录(包含 Eigen/Core、Eigen/Dense 等的文件夹)

  • PCLOpenCV:如果您的系统上安装了较新的版本,这些示例应该可以正常工作。如果没有,设置 -DPCL_DIR=<path> / -DOpenCV_DIR=<path><path> 分别是包含了 PCLConfig.cmakeOpenCVConfig.cmake 的目录 。

  • HALCON:如果您的系统上安装了较新的版本,这些示例应该可以正常工作。

