

示例主要分为两类:相机应用相机 类别中的示例侧重于如何使用相机。 应用 类别中的示例则侧重于使用相机生成的输出,例如3D点云、2D图像或来自相机的其它数据。这些示例展示了可以如何使用来自相机的数据。

  • Camera

    • Basic

      • Capture - Capture colored point cloud, save 2D image, save 3D ZDF, and export PLY, using the Zivid camera.

      • CaptureFromFileCamera - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera.

      • CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings.

      • CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture images and point clouds, with or without color, from the Zivid camera with settings from YML file.

    • Advanced

      • CaptureHalconViaGenICam - Capture and save a point cloud, with colors, using GenICam interface and Halcon C++ SDK.

      • CaptureHalconViaZivid - Capture a point cloud, with colors, using Zivid SDK, transform it to a Halcon point cloud and save it using Halcon C++ SDK.

      • CaptureHDRLoop - Cover the same dynamic range in a scene with different acquisition settings to optimize for quality, speed, or to find a compromise.

      • CaptureHDRPrintNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and print a subset.

    • InfoUtilOther

      • AutomaticNetworkConfigurationForCameras - Automatically set the IP addresses of any number of cameras to be in the same subnet as the provided IP address of the network interface.

      • CameraInfo - List connected cameras and print camera version and state information for each connected camera.

      • CameraUserData - Store user data on the Zivid camera.

      • CaptureWithDiagnostics - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file and diagnostics enabled.

      • FirmwareUpdater - Update firmware on the Zivid camera.

      • FrameInfo - Read frame info from the Zivid camera.

      • GetCameraIntrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model) or estimate them from the point cloud.

      • NetworkConfiguration - Uses Zivid API to change the IP address of the Zivid camera.

      • Warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.

    • Maintenance

  • Applications

    • Basic

      • Visualization

      • FileFormats

        • ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.

        • ZDF2PLY - Convert point cloud from a ZDF file to a PLY file.

    • Advanced


  1. 安装Zivid软件

  2. 下载Zivid样本数据

点击键盘上的Win+R键启动命令提示符,然后输入 cmd 并 按 Enter 键。


git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-csharp-samples

在Visual Studio中打开ZividNETSamples.sln,构建并运行它。如果您对操作流程不太确定,请查看 使用Visual Studio构建C#示例

一些示例依赖于外部库,特别是 MathNet.NumericsSystem.ValueTuple 。构建示例时,这些库将通过 NuGet 自动安装。