
示例主要分为两类:相机应用相机 类别中的示例侧重于如何使用相机。 应用 类别中的示例则侧重于使用相机生成的输出,例如3D点云、2D图像或来自相机的其它数据。这些示例展示了可以如何使用来自相机的数据。

  • Camera

    • Basic

      • Capture - Capture a 3D color point cloud from the camera and use it to generate a HALCON ObjectModel3D which is then visualized.

      • CaptureHDR - Capture an HDR image from the camera and use it to generate a HALCON ObjectModel3D which is then visualized.

      • CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture an HDR image from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings for each frame.

      • CaptureSavePLY - Capture a 3D color point cloud from the camera and save it to a PLY file format.

      • CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture a 3D color point cloud from the camera and use it to generate a HALCON ObjectModel3D which is then visualized.

      • ConnectToSerialNumberCamera - Connect to a specific Zivid 3D camera based on its serial number.

    • Advanced

      • CaptureHDRLoop - Capture HDR images from the camera in a loop (while actively changing some HDR settings).

    • InfoUtilOther

      • QuerySettingsAndParameters - Query information about the image acquisition interface and selected specific parameters of Zivid camera.

      • Warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.

  • Applications


如果你想在HALCON中使用Zivid,我们提供了一个GenICam GenTL producer,它包含 在 Zivid Software 中。

Zivid 和 HALCON 与 Windows 10 和 11 以及 Ubuntu 20.04、22.04、24.04 兼容。


自 SDK 2.10 起,移除了对 Ubuntu 18.04 的支持。



  • 19.05 Progress, 20.05 Progress, 21.11 Progress
