Stripe Engine
The Stripe Engine is the default Vision Engine for Zivid 2+. It is built for exceptional point cloud quality in scenes with specular reflective objects. The Stripe Engine has a high dynamic range and thus provides great point cloud coverage. This makes the engine suitable for applications such as factory automation, manufacturing and bin picking.
Stripe Engine은 다음과 같은 장면을 처리하기 위해 특별히 개발되었습니다.
금속 실린더
자동차 부품
판금 및 판금
광택 금속
크롬 도금 부품
쌓인 금속 물체
The following filters must be enabled when capturing with Stripe Engine:
Camera |
Zivid 2 |
Yes |
Zivid 2+ |
Optional |
Point cloud quality
Stripe Engine은 주변 광원 interference from ambient light sources 의 노이즈에 덜 민감 하므로 50Hz/60Hz 노출 시간으로 보정할 필요성이 줄어듭니다.

Dynamic range
높은 다이내믹 레인지 를 가지므로 다음 항목에 덜 민감합니다.
블루밍 효과
주변 광원의 반사
프로젝터에서 직접 반사
이 결과, 카메라가 빈과 다른 물체를 똑바로 향할 때 페널티가 줄어듭니다.
The Stripe Engine has better point cloud coverage than the Sage Engine. However, the 3D data under the influence of reflections can be less accurate.

If your scene includes highly reflective specular (shiny) objects and you prefer a complete point cloud over having only reliable points, then the Stripe Engine is the best choice.
Version History
Changes |
2.12.0 |
Stripe Engine removed from experimental. |
2.11.0 |
Reflection filter is no longer required for Stripe engine. |