Failed to fetch or apply Network Configuration


When calling Zivid::Camera::networkConfiguration() or Zivid::Camera::applyNetworkConfiguration() on Ubuntu, the process times out with the error:


Failed to fetch the network configuration for camera <serial-number>. This error may be due to a firewall blocking incoming multicast packages. See for more help. + Timed out waiting for NetworkConfig



Failed to get response from camera <serial-number>. This error may be due to a firewall blocking incoming multicast packages. See for more help. + Timed out waiting for CommandResponse

This can happen in Zivid Studio and when using the CLI tool ZividNetworkCameraConfigurator.


The firewall on Ubuntu may block incoming multicast packages, which are used when getting the network configuration of a connected camera.


The firewall on Ubuntu is by default disabled. To check the status and default policy for ongoing connections, you can run:

sudo ufw status verbose

If the firewall is enabled, you can allow incoming multicast packages by disabling it:

sudo ufw disable

If you want to keep the firewall enabled, you can allow incoming multicast packages on the specific network interface you are connecting the camera to by:

sudo ufw allow in on <network-interface>

where <network-interface> is the ID of the network interface. You can list all available network interfaces along with interface IP and subnet and locate the one you are using by:

ip address show

You can also allow incoming multicast packages only on the specific port that the camera is using (port 52813), for the camera’s IP address. For example, if the camera IP address is, run:

sudo ufw allow proto udp from port 52813

or for the entire subnet 172.28.60.x, run:

sudo ufw allow proto udp from port 52813