2D Image Projection (LED)
The main components of a Zivid 3D camera are a 2D color camera and an LED projector. The 2D image pixels correspond to the camera sensor pixels (parts of the sensor that collect photons). Similarly, the 2D projector image pixels correspond to the projector pixels (parts of the projector that emit photons). This tutorial shows how to use the projector to project color images onto the scene.

Create a Projector image
To create a projector image, you need the projector image resolution. This is easily done by connecting to a camera and retrieving the projector resolution:
std::cout << "Connecting to camera" << std::endl;
auto camera = zivid.connectCamera();
std::cout << "Retrieving the projector resolution that the camera supports" << std::endl;
const auto projectorResolution = Zivid::Projection::projectorResolution(camera);
2D Projector image
The next step is to create a Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA>
Below is a demonstration of how to create a Zivid Image from scratch and how to convert an OpenCV image into a Zivid Image.
You can create a Zivid image by loading it from a file (e.g., PNG) or by creating it from scratch.
This is an example of how to load a Zivid Image. The limitation is that the image resolution has to match the Zivid camera projector resolution.
Camera |
Resolution |
Zivid 2+ |
1280 x 720 |
Zivid 2 |
1000 x 720 |
std::string projectorImageFileForGivenCamera = getProjectorImageFileForGivenCamera(camera);
std::cout << "Reading 2D image (of resolution matching the Zivid camera projector resolution) from file: "
<< projectorImageFileForGivenCamera << std::endl;
const auto projectorImageForGivenCamera = Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA>(projectorImageFileForGivenCamera);
string projectorImageFileForGivenCamera = GetProjectorImageFileForCamera(camera);
Console.WriteLine("Reading 2D image (of resolution matching the Zivid camera projector resolution) from file: " + projectorImageFileForGivenCamera);
var projectorImageForGivenCamera = new Zivid.NET.ImageBGRA(projectorImageFileForGivenCamera);
projector_image_file_for_given_camera = get_projector_image_file_for_camera(camera)
f"Reading 2D image (of resolution matching the Zivid camera projector resolution) from file: {projector_image_file_for_given_camera}"
projector_image_for_given_camera = zivid.Image.load(projector_image_file_for_given_camera, "bgra")
This is an example of how to create a Zivid Image where all pixels are red.
const auto redColor = Zivid::ColorBGRA(0, 0, 255, 255);
auto projectorImage = createProjectorImage(projectorResolution, redColor);
Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> createProjectorImage(
const Zivid::Resolution &projectorResolution,
const Zivid::ColorBGRA &ZividColor)
const std::vector<Zivid::ColorBGRA> imageData(projectorResolution.size(), ZividColor);
Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> projectorImage{ projectorResolution, imageData.begin(), imageData.end() };
return projectorImage;
var redColor = new Zivid.NET.ColorBGRA { b = 0, g = 0, r = 255, a = 255 };
var projectorImage = CreateProjectorImage(projectorResolution, redColor);
static Zivid.NET.ImageBGRA CreateProjectorImage(Zivid.NET.Resolution resolution, Zivid.NET.ColorBGRA color)
var pixelArray = new Zivid.NET.ColorBGRA[resolution.Height, resolution.Width];
for (ulong y = 0; y < resolution.Height; y++)
for (ulong x = 0; x < resolution.Width; x++)
pixelArray[y, x] = color;
var projectorImage = new Zivid.NET.ImageBGRA(pixelArray);
return projectorImage;
red_color = (0, 0, 255, 255)
projector_image = create_projector_image(projector_resolution, red_color)
def create_projector_image(resolution: Tuple, color: Tuple) -> np.ndarray:
"""Create projector image (numpy array) of given color.
resolution: projector resolution
color: bgra
An image (numpy array) of color given by the bgra value
projector_image = np.full((resolution[0], resolution[1], len(color)), color, dtype=np.uint8)
return projector_image
You can create an OpenCV image by loading it from a file (e.g., PNG) or by creating it from scratch.
This example loads an image with OpenCV and then converts it to a Zivid Image. The benefit of using OpenCV is that resizing an image of arbitrary resolution to fit the Zivid camera projector resolution is straightforward.
std::string imageFile = std::string(ZIVID_SAMPLE_DATA_DIR) + "/ZividLogo.png";
std::cout << "Reading 2D image (of arbitrary resolution) from file: " << imageFile << std::endl;
const auto inputImage = cv::imread(imageFile, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> resizeAndCreateProjectorImage(
const cv::Mat &inputImage,
const Zivid::Resolution &projectorResolution)
cv::Mat projectorImageResized;
cv::Mat projectorImageBGRA;
cv::Size(projectorResolution.width(), projectorResolution.height()),
cv::cvtColor(projectorImageResized, projectorImageBGRA, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
std::cout << "Creating a Zivid::Image from the OpenCV image" << std::endl;
Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> projectorImage{ projectorResolution,
projectorImageBGRA.dataend };
return projectorImage;
image_file = get_sample_data_path() / "ZividLogo.png"
print("Reading 2D image (of arbitrary resolution) from file: ")
input_image = cv2.imread(str(image_file))
if input_image is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"File {image_file} not found or couldn't be read.")
def _resize_and_create_projector_image(image_to_resize: np.ndarray, final_resolution: Tuple) -> np.ndarray:
"""Resizes an image to a given resolution.
image_to_resize: openCV image that needs to be resized
final_resolution: resolution after resizing
An image with a resolution that matches the projector resolution
resized_image = cv2.resize(
image_to_resize, (final_resolution[1], final_resolution[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR
projector_image = cv2.cvtColor(resized_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
return projector_image
In this example, a blank OpenCV image is created and then converted to a Zivid Image.
std::cout << "Creating a blank projector image with resolution: " << projectorResolution.toString()
<< std::endl;
const cv::Scalar backgroundColor{ 0, 0, 0, 255 };
auto projectorImageOpenCV = cv::Mat{ static_cast<int>(projectorResolution.height()),
backgroundColor };
std::cout << "Creating a Zivid::Image from the OpenCV image" << std::endl;
const Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> projectorImage{ projectorResolution,
projectorImageOpenCV.dataend };
The projector Image can now be projected. Note that this image is created without considering any 3D data.
2D Projector image from 3D
Creating a projector image from 3D data is useful if you want to project a 3D object onto the scene. Alternatively, you may want to project something on specific points, surfaces, or on any other 3D features in the scene that you can detect from the point cloud. For that to be possible a correlation between 3D points and the projector pixels is needed. If creating a 2D projector image from 3D data is not relevant to you, you can go directly to Start Projection
In this example, we project small green circles at the checkerboard corners of the Zivid calibration board. The image below depicts the expected final result.

Since the checkerboard size is known, we can create a grid of points (7 x 6) with the right spacing (30 mm) between the points that represent the checkerboard corners.
std::cout << "Creating a grid of 7 x 6 points (3D) with 30 mm spacing to match checkerboard corners"
<< std::endl;
const auto gridInCheckerboardFrame = checkerboardGrid();
std::vector<cv::Matx41f> checkerboardGrid()
std::vector<cv::Matx41f> points;
for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++)
const float xPos = x * 30.0F;
const float yPos = y * 30.0F;
points.emplace_back(xPos, yPos, 0.0F, 1.0F);
return points;
print("Creating a grid of 7 x 6 points (3D) with 30 mm spacing to match checkerboard corners")
grid_points_in_checkerboard_frame = _checkerboard_grid()
def _checkerboard_grid() -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Create a list of points corresponding to the checkerboard corners in a Zivid calibration board.
points: List of 4D points (X,Y,Z,W) for each corner in the checkerboard, in the checkerboard frame
x = np.arange(0, 7) * 30.0
y = np.arange(0, 6) * 30.0
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = np.zeros_like(xx)
w = np.ones_like(xx)
points = np.dstack((xx, yy, z, w)).reshape(-1, 4)
return list(points)
At this point a 3D grid of points is created but without a correlation to the real world. Therefore, the grid needs to be transformed to the pose of the Zivid calibration board relative to the camera. This is easily done by estimating the calibration board pose and transforming the grid to that pose:
std::cout << "Estimating checkerboard pose" << std::endl;
const auto cameraToCheckerboardTransform = detectionResult.pose().toMatrix();
std::cout << "Transforming the grid to the camera frame" << std::endl;
const auto pointsInCameraFrame =
transformGridToCameraFrame(gridInCheckerboardFrame, cameraToCheckerboardTransform);
std::vector<Zivid::PointXYZ> transformGridToCameraFrame(
const std::vector<cv::Matx41f> &grid,
const Zivid::Matrix4x4 &cameraToCheckerboardTransform)
std::vector<Zivid::PointXYZ> pointsInCameraFrame;
const auto transformationMatrix = cv::Matx44f{ cameraToCheckerboardTransform.data() };
for(const auto &point : grid)
const auto transformedPoint = transformationMatrix * point;
pointsInCameraFrame.emplace_back(transformedPoint(0, 0), transformedPoint(1, 0), transformedPoint(2, 0));
return pointsInCameraFrame;
print("Estimating checkerboard pose")
camera_to_checkerboard_transform = detection_result.pose().to_matrix()
print("Transforming the grid to the camera frame")
grid_points_in_camera_frame = _transform_grid_to_camera_frame(
grid_points_in_checkerboard_frame, camera_to_checkerboard_transform
def _transform_grid_to_camera_frame(
grid: List[np.ndarray], camera_to_checkerboard_transform: np.ndarray
) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Transform a list of grid points to the camera frame.
grid: List of 4D points (X,Y,Z,W) for each corner in the checkerboard, in the checkerboard frame
camera_to_checkerboard_transform: 4x4 transformation matrix
List of 3D grid points in the camera frame
points_in_camera_frame = []
for point_in_checkerboard_frame in grid:
point_in_camera_frame = camera_to_checkerboard_transform @ point_in_checkerboard_frame
return points_in_camera_frame
The function Zivid::Projection::pixelsFrom3DPoints()
, converts 3D points in the camera’s reference to projector pixels using the internal calibration of a Zivid camera.
After obtaining the vector of transformed points, these 3D points are converted to projector pixels as follows:
The next step is to create a projector image and draw green circles on the obtained projector pixels’ coordinates.
std::cout << "Creating a blank projector image with resolution: " << projectorResolution.toString()
<< std::endl;
const cv::Scalar backgroundColor{ 0, 0, 0, 255 };
auto projectorImageOpenCV = cv::Mat{ static_cast<int>(projectorResolution.height()),
backgroundColor };
std::cout << "Drawing circles on the projector image for each grid point" << std::endl;
const cv::Scalar circleColor{ 0, 255, 0, 255 };
drawFilledCircles(projectorImageOpenCV, projectorPixels, 2, circleColor);
std::cout << "Creating a Zivid::Image from the OpenCV image" << std::endl;
const Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> projectorImage{ projectorResolution,
projectorImageOpenCV.dataend };
print(f"Creating a blank projector image with resolution: {projector_resolution}")
background_color = (0, 0, 0, 255)
projector_image = np.full(
(projector_resolution[0], projector_resolution[1], len(background_color)), background_color, dtype=np.uint8
print("Drawing circles on the projector image for each grid point")
circle_color = (0, 255, 0, 255)
_draw_filled_circles(projector_image, projector_pixels, 2, circle_color)
It is possible to save the Projector image to disk for later use. The image can be saved as e.g., PNG, JPEG, BMP.
Start Projection
The following shows how to start projecting the image.
The image will be continuously projected as long as the image handle is kept alive.
Capture and save a 2D image while Projecting
The projector and the 2D camera can be controlled separately. Therefore, while the projector is projecting, it is possible to capture a 2D image of the scene (with the projected image on the scene).
{ // A Local Scope to handle the projected image lifetime
auto projectedImageHandle = Zivid::Projection::showImage(camera, projectorImage);
const auto settings2D = get2DCaptureSettings(camera);
std::cout << "Capturing a 2D image with the projected image" << std::endl;
const auto frame2D = projectedImageHandle.capture(settings2D);
const std::string capturedImageFile = "CapturedImage.png";
std::cout << "Saving the captured image: " << capturedImageFile << std::endl;
std::cout << "Press enter to stop projecting..." << std::endl;
} // projectedImageHandle now goes out of scope, thereby stopping the projection
with zivid.projection.show_image_bgra(camera, projector_image) as projected_image:
settings_2d = _get_2d_capture_settings(camera)
print("Capturing a 2D image with the projected image")
frame_2d = projected_image.capture(settings_2d)
captured_image_file = "CapturedImage.png"
print(f"Saving the captured image: {captured_image_file}")
input("Press enter to stop projecting ...")
Stop Projection
The projection will stop if the stop()
function is called on the handle, when the handle goes out of scope, or if a 3D capture is initiated on the camera.
Stop by using Projection Handle
auto projectedImageHandle = Zivid::Projection::showImage(camera, projectorImage);
std::cout << "Press enter to stop projecting using the \".stop()\" function." << std::endl;
Stop by leaving a scope / with context manager
void projecting(Zivid::Camera &camera, const Zivid::Image<Zivid::ColorBGRA> &projectorImageFunctionScope)
auto projectedImageHandle = Zivid::Projection::showImage(camera, projectorImageFunctionScope);
std::cout << "Press enter to stop projecting by leaving a function scope" << std::endl;
Stop by triggering a 3D capture
projectedImageHandle = Zivid::Projection::showImage(camera, projectorImage);
std::cout << "Press enter to stop projecting by performing a 3D capture" << std::endl;
const auto settings = Zivid::Settings{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisitions{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisition() } };
projectedImageHandle = Zivid.NET.Projection.Projection.ShowImage(camera, projectorImage);
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop projecting by performing a 3D capture");
var settings = new Zivid.NET.Settings
Acquisitions = { new Zivid.NET.Settings.Acquisition { } },
using (var frame3D = camera.Capture(settings)) { }
Projection Brightness
Zivid firmware is designed to safeguard the longevity of your camera by imposing limitations on the light output (projector brightness).
If your objective is to maximize brightness during projection, instruct our projector to utilize just one of the LED channels. You can achieve this by setting each colored pixel in your projector image to only one of the pure color values: red (255,0,0), green (0,255, 0), or blue (0,0,255). Where you do not want to project light, set the pixels to black (0,0,0).
When it comes to human perception, green is by far the best choice since our eyes are much more sensitive to green than to red and blue.
When projecting white light or any other combination of red, green, and blue light, the camera firmware will automatically reduce the light output (projector brightness). This occurs even if almost all the pixels are set to, e.g., pure green (0,255,0), with only a single exception, where a pixel deviates slightly from pure green or black, e.g., (0,255,1).
Code Samples
To get some hands-on experience with the projection, check out the following code samples:
Version History
Changes |
2.12 |
2D Image Projection API removed from experimental. |
2.11.0 |
Added support for C# and Python. |
2.10 |
Experimental 2D Image Projection API is added. |