Build a C++ “Zivid Hello World” Application in Visual Studio on Windows

This tutorial shows how to create and develop a C++ application with Zivid in Visual Studio 2022.



The CMake version tested is 3.24.0.


Create ZividHelloWorld.cpp and CMakeLists.txt

First, we must create a CMakeLists.txt file and a main cpp file for the project. Open Visual Studio 2022, then click Open a folder. This is where we will create the project. In this tutorial, we will use the following file names and source path:

Source path


Cpp file name


CMake file name


Second, copy and paste the following code into ZividHelloWorld.cpp and CMakeLists.txt;

#include <Zivid/Zivid.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
        Zivid::Application zivid;
        std::cout << "Hello Zivid World!" << std::endl;
    catch(const std::exception &e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << Zivid::toString(e) << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24.0 FATAL_ERROR)



find_package(Zivid COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED)

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}.cpp)

Screenshot of Visual Studio setup.

Visual Studio 2019 and newer can automatically configure CMakeLists and build the solution. You don’t have to configure it through CMake, and can thus skip the next section and go directly to Run the program.

Configure the solution with CMake

Run CMake either through the Command Prompt or CMake GUI.

Create a build directory in the directory of ZividHelloWorld and configure the solution by running:

cmake  -B build

Make sure cmake is in your system PATH to use the above command. See the below dropdown for how to add CMake to your system PATH.

Add CMake to the system PATH

On your PC, navigate to Control PanelSystem and SecuritySystemAdvanced System SettingsEnvironment Variables. Under System variables, select the Path variable and click Edit.

Screenshot of system information on Windows.

In the Edit environment variable window, click New and add the path to CMake binaries, e.g.

C:\Program Files\CMake\bin

if you have installed CMake in Program Files.


You may have to sign out of your Windows account and in again for the changes to take place.

Open the generated Visual Studio solution ZividCppSamples.sln in File Explorer or through the prompt to further build the samples.

cmake --open build

Open CMake GUI and select the source folder and destination for the build folder.

Source folder


destination folder


Screenshot of CMake GUI with configuration.

Configure 을 클릭합니다. 메시지가 나타나면 Yes 를 클릭하여 새 빌드 디렉토리를 만듭니다.

Screenshot of CMake GUI with a note about the creation of build directory.

Specify your generator for the project and make sure the (optional) platform is x64.

생성기를 지정하는 CMake GUI의 스크린샷.

Click Finish. If the value Zivid_DIR is empty, add C:/ProgramFiles/Zivid/CMake/Zivid to it.

CMake GUI 구성의 스크린샷.

Click Configure again, then click Generate. Press Open Project to open the Visual Studio solution.

Build the solution

In Visual Studio, change the build configuration from Debug to Release. Build the solution by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B.

Visual Studio의 빌드 이벤트 스크린샷.

Run the program

On the right side, right click on ZividHelloWorld, then click Set as StartUp project. Run the program by pressing F5 key.

Visual Studio에서 실행되는 프로그램의 콘솔 출력 스크린샷.

The sample program can be located in the build directory under ZividHelloWorld/build/Release. You can also run the sample either by double clicking the exe in File Explorer or using the Command Prompt, e.g.,


To continue developing with Zivid and C++, check out Zivid C++ API reference and the tutorial to Configure C++ Samples With CMake and Build Them in Visual Studio in Windows on the next page.

Version History




Remove support for Visual Studio 2017.