Sample list
샘플에는 Camera 및 Applications 의 두 가지 주요 범주가 있습니다. Camera 카테고리의 샘플은 카메라 사용 방법에만 초점을 맞춥니다. Applications 카테고리의 샘플은 3D 포인트 클라우드, 2D 이미지 또는 카메라의 기타 데이터와 같이 카메라에서 생성된 데이터를 사용합니다. 이 샘플은 카메라의 데이터를 사용하는 방법을 보여줍니다.
Capture - Capture colored point cloud, save 2D image, save 3D ZDF, and export PLY, using the Zivid camera.
CaptureFromFileCamera - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera.
CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings.
CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture images and point clouds, with or without color, from the Zivid camera with settings from YML file.
CaptureHalconViaGenICam - Capture and save a point cloud, with colors, using GenICam interface and Halcon C++ SDK.
CaptureHalconViaZivid - Capture a point cloud, with colors, using Zivid SDK, transform it to a Halcon point cloud and save it using Halcon C++ SDK.
CaptureHDRLoop - Cover the same dynamic range in a scene with different acquisition settings to optimize for quality, speed, or to find a compromise.
CaptureHDRPrintNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and print a subset.
AutomaticNetworkConfigurationForCameras - Automatically set the IP addresses of any number of cameras to be in the same subnet as the provided IP address of the network interface.
CameraInfo - List connected cameras and print camera version and state information for each connected camera.
CameraUserData - Store user data on the Zivid camera.
CaptureWithDiagnostics - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file and diagnostics enabled.
FirmwareUpdater - Update firmware on the Zivid camera.
FrameInfo - Read frame info from the Zivid camera.
GetCameraIntrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model) or estimate them from the point cloud.
NetworkConfiguration - Uses Zivid API to change the IP address of the Zivid camera.
Warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.
CorrectCameraInField - Correct the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
ResetCameraInField - Reset infield correction on a camera.
VerifyCameraInField - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera.
VerifyCameraInFieldFromZDF - Check the dimension trueness of a Zivid camera from a ZDF file.
CaptureFromFileCameraVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, with the Zivid file camera and visualize them.
CaptureVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize them.
ProjectImageStartAndStop - Start the Image Projection and Stop it.
ReadAndProjectImage - Read a 2D image from file and project it using the camera projector.
ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.
ZDF2PLY - Convert point cloud from a ZDF file to a PLY file.
Downsample - Downsample point cloud from a ZDF file.
HandEyeCalibration - Perform Hand-Eye calibration.
MultiCameraCalibration - Use captures of a calibration object to generate transformation matrices to a single coordinate frame.
ROIBoxViaArucoMarker - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the ArUco marker on a Zivid Calibration Board.
ROIBoxViaCheckerboard - Filter the point cloud based on a ROI box given relative to the Zivid Calibration Board.
TransformPointCloudFromMillimetersToMeters - Transform point cloud data from millimeters to meters.
TransformPointCloudViaArucoMarker - Transform a point cloud from camera to ArUco marker coordinate frame by estimating the marker’s pose from the point cloud.
TransformPointCloudViaCheckerboard - Transform a point cloud from camera to checkerboard (Zivid Calibration Board) coordinate frame by getting checkerboard pose from the API.
PoseConversions - Convert to/from Transformation Matrix (Rotation Matrix + Translation Vector)
UtilizeHandEyeCalibration - Transform single data point or entire point cloud from camera to robot base reference frame using Hand-Eye calibration
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git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-csharp-samples
Visual Studio에서 ZividNETSamples.sln을 열고 빌드하고 실행합니다. 이 작업을 수행하기 전에 Build C# Samples using Visual Studio 을 참조하십시오.
Some of the samples depend on external libraries, in particular MathNet.Numerics
and System.ValueTuple
These libraries will be installed automatically through NuGet when building the sample.