Factory Reset Button
Zivid cameras has a factory reset button located on the back of the camera under the power connector.

Pressing the factory reset button will perform different actions depending on how long you press it:
Reset (power cycle):
간헐적으로 혹은 5초 미만 동안 누릅니다.
Reset to factory IP address:
전원 LED가 녹색으로 바뀔 때까지 5~10초 동안 누릅니다.
Revert to factory installed firmware:
전원 LED가 노란색으로 바뀔 때까지 10초 이상 누릅니다.
Zivid 2 has a known issue with the factory reset button. For more information, see Zivid Errata. Please refer to Reset Button Fails to Reset Network Configuration if you encounter issues with the factory reset button.