SNR Value

The Zivid Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is a measurement of pixel quality. Its value represents the measured SNR where the signal is the projected patterns. The SNR ranges from 0 to 255 (8-bits) and describes how well Zivid can read back the projected signal for a given pixel. The higher the SNR, the higher confidence Zivid has that it was able to correctly estimate the distance for that particular pixel. A low SNR will have more pixel noise in the 3D point cloud than a high SNR pixel from measurement to measurement. The SNR map in Zivid Studio provides a visual representation of the distribution of SNR values within a capture. Visit the Studio Guide for an introduction to the feature.

Signal and noise over light intensity

For this reason, it is recommended to correctly expose the Zivid camera. The pixels should have an average intensity above 32 and under 255. This is a healthy SNR value. A quick tip is to use the histogram function (hotkey H) in Zivid Studio, as shown below. For a more in depth tutorial on how to use this, see Getting the Right Exposure for Good Point Clouds.

Signal and noise over light intensity with histogram

Version History




The SNR map feature is added to Zivid Studio.