If you perform captures in a sequence where you switch between 2D and 3D capture calls, the Zivid One+ (not Zivid 2 and 2+) cameras have a switching time penalty. This time-penalty only happens if the 2D capture settings use projector brightness > 0. As a result, there is a delay between the captures when switching the capture mode (2D and 3D). The delay is approximately 350 ms when switching from 3D to 2D and 650 ms when switching from 2D to 3D. Therefore, there can be roughly 1 s overhead in addition to the 2D capture time and 3D capture time. In SDK 2.6 and beyond, this limitation only happens when using 2D captures with brightness > 0.
2D捕获设置 |
投影仪亮度 = 0 |
投影机亮度 > 0 |
Zivid 2 / 2+ |
没有 |
没有 |
Zivid One+ |
没有 |
350-900ms的切换时间损失 |
Zivid 2 and 2+ cameras do not have the time penalty that Zivid One+ cameras have; switching between 2D and 3D capture modes with Zivid 2/2+ happens instantly.
2.6版本的SDK移除了Zivid One+相机在3D和2D捕获模式之间切换的时间。这适用于在投影仪关闭的情况下使用2D捕获(投影仪亮度设置为0)
对于Zivid One+相机,如果您必须使用投影仪,为了获取彩色图像而额外拍摄一张3D图像可能比使用投影仪额外拍摄一张2D图像耗时更少。此方法假定您使用来自主3D捕获(单次曝光或多次采集HDR)的点云数据和来自附加3D捕获的彩色图像。如果您的主3D捕获使用的是单次捕获,则可以对附加3D捕获使用相同的曝光时间以优化捕获时间。如果使用的是多次采集HDR,则最后一次HDR采集的曝光时间应与附加的3D采集的曝光时间相同。