



#include <Zivid/Zivid.h>

#include <future>
#include <iostream>

    struct DummyRobot
        void Move(Zivid::Matrix4x4 pose, std::chrono::milliseconds duration)

    DummyRobot robot;

    Zivid::Matrix4x4 computePickPose(const Zivid::Frame &frame)
        const auto pointCloud = frame.pointCloud();
        const auto data = pointCloud.copyData<Zivid::PointXYZColorRGBA>();

        // This is where you should run your processing to get a pick pose from the point cloud
        return Zivid::Matrix4x4{};

    void placeObject()
        const auto placePose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(placePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        const auto outOfCameraFOVPose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(outOfCameraFOVPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));

} // namespace

int main()
        Zivid::Application zivid;
        auto camera = zivid.connectCamera();

        std::cout << "Moving the robot mounted camera to the capture pose" << std::endl;
        const auto capturePose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(capturePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        std::cout << "Capturing frame" << std::endl;
        const auto settings = Zivid::Settings{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisitions{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisition{} } };
        const auto frame = camera.capture(settings);

        std::cout << "Processing to get the first pick pose" << std::endl;
        auto pickPose = computePickPose(frame);

            std::cout << "Picking the new object" << std::endl;
            robot.Move(pickPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));
            std::cout << "Object picked" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "Moving the robot mounted camera to the capture pose" << std::endl;
            robot.Move(capturePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

            // At this moment the robot should be at the capture pose

            std::cout << "Capturing frame" << std::endl;
            const auto settings = Zivid::Settings{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisitions{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisition{} } };
            const auto frame = camera.capture(settings);
            std::cout << "Acquisition completed" << std::endl;

                << "Starting, at the same time (in two threads), robot motion to place the object and capturing and processing to get the new pick pose"
                << std::endl;
            auto futurePickPose = std::async(std::launch::async, computePickPose, frame);
            auto placingCompleted = std::async(std::launch::async, placeObject);
            pickPose =
                    .get(); // This (processing to get the new pick pose) should be faster so the robot would not have to stop and wait
                << "Both robot motion to place the object and capturing and processing to get the new pick pose completed"
                << std::endl;
    catch(const std::exception &e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << Zivid::toString(e) << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;


如果您执行的是2D捕获而不是3D捕获,建议采用相同的策略。但是,如果您同时需要2D和3D数据,那么建议您查看我们的 2D+3D捕获策略 以及 使用同一台相机进行连续拍照的性能限制 (本文最后一部分)。



#include <Zivid/Zivid.h>

#include <future>
#include <iostream>

    struct DummyRobot
        void Move(Zivid::Matrix4x4 pose, std::chrono::milliseconds duration)

    DummyRobot robot;

    Zivid::Array2D<Zivid::PointXYZColorRGBA> getPointCloudInThread(const Zivid::Frame &frame)
        const auto pointCloud = frame.pointCloud();
        const auto data = pointCloud.copyData<Zivid::PointXYZColorRGBA>();

        return data;

    void placeObjectInThread()
        const auto placePose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(placePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        const auto outOfCameraFOVPose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(outOfCameraFOVPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));

    Zivid::Matrix4x4 computePickPoseInThread(const Zivid::Array2D<Zivid::PointXYZColorRGBA> &data)
        // This is where you should run your processing to get a pick pose from the point cloud
        return Zivid::Matrix4x4{};

} // namespace

int main()
        Zivid::Application zivid;
        auto camera = zivid.connectCamera();

        std::cout << "Moving the robot mounted camera to the capture pose" << std::endl;
        const auto capturePose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(capturePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        // At this moment the robot should be at the capture pose

        std::cout << "Capturing frame" << std::endl;
        const auto settings = Zivid::Settings{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisitions{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisition{} } };
        const auto frame = camera.capture(settings);
        std::cout << "Acquisition completed" << std::endl;

            << "Starting, at the same time (in two threads), robot motion to place the object and waiting for the point cloud to be processed and copied"
            << std::endl;
        auto futureData = std::async(std::launch::async, getPointCloudInThread, frame);
        auto placingCompleted = std::async(std::launch::async, placeObjectInThread);
        const auto data =
                .get(); // This (remaining time to process the point cloud) should be faster so the robot would not have to stop and wait
        std::cout << "Both robot motion to place the object and point cloud processing and copying completed"
                  << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Starting the processing (in a separate thread) to get the pick pose for the next cycle"
                  << std::endl;
        auto nextPickPose = std::async(std::launch::async, computePickPoseInThread, data);

            << "Picking the object from the previous pick cycle (becasue computing the pick new pose is not completed yet at this moment)"
            << std::endl;
        const auto previousCyclePickPose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(previousCyclePickPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));
        std::cout << "Object picked" << std::endl;
    catch(const std::exception &e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << Zivid::toString(e) << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

For pick and place applications with a stationary mounted camera, we recommend capturing after the robot has picked an object and moved outside the FOV of the camera. With this strategy, there is a chance you do not need to stop the robot for the camera to capture, depending on which of the following operations takes longer time to execute:

  • 总捕获时间以及处理数据以检测对象和估计拾取位姿的时间。

  • 机器人从相机FOV外的位姿运动到放置位姿,然后回到再次进入相机FOV之前的位姿的时间。


#include <Zivid/Zivid.h>

#include <future>
#include <iostream>

    struct DummyRobot
        void Move(Zivid::Matrix4x4 pose, std::chrono::milliseconds duration)

    DummyRobot robot;

    Zivid::Matrix4x4 captureAndProcess(Zivid::Camera &camera)
        const auto settings = Zivid::Settings{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisitions{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisition{} } };

        const auto frame = camera.capture(settings);
        const auto pointCloud = frame.pointCloud();
        const auto data = pointCloud.copyData<Zivid::PointXYZColorRGBA>();

        const auto pickPose =
            Zivid::Matrix4x4{}; // This is where you should run your processing to get a pick pose from the point cloud

        return pickPose;

    void placeObject()
        const auto placePose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(placePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        const auto outOfCameraFOV = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(outOfCameraFOV, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));

} // namespace

int main()
        Zivid::Application zivid;
        auto camera = zivid.connectCamera();

        auto pickPose = captureAndProcess(camera);

            std::cout << "Picking the new object" << std::endl;
            robot.Move(pickPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));
            std::cout << "Object picked" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "Moving the robot with a picked object outside the FOV of the stationary camera" << std::endl;
            const auto outOfCameraFOV = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
            robot.Move(outOfCameraFOV, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

            // At this moment the robot should be outside the camera FOV

                << "Starting, at the same time (in two threads), robot motion to place the object and capturing and processing to get the new pick pose"
                << std::endl;
            auto futurePickPose = std::async(std::launch::async, captureAndProcess, std::ref(camera));
            auto placingCompleted = std::async(std::launch::async, placeObject);
            pickPose =
                    .get(); // This (capturing and processing to get the new pick pose) should be faster so the robot would not have to stop and wait
                << "Both robot motion to place the object and capturing and processing to get the new pick pose completed"
                << std::endl;
    catch(const std::exception &e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << Zivid::toString(e) << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;


#include <Zivid/Zivid.h>

#include <future>
#include <iostream>

    struct DummyRobot
        void Move(Zivid::Matrix4x4 pose, std::chrono::milliseconds duration)

    DummyRobot robot;

    Zivid::Frame captureInThread(Zivid::Camera &camera)
        const auto settings = Zivid::Settings{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisitions{ Zivid::Settings::Acquisition{} } };

        const auto frame = camera.capture(settings);

        return frame;

    void placeObjectInThread()
        const auto placePose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(placePose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        const auto outOfCameraFOVPose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(outOfCameraFOVPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));

    Zivid::Matrix4x4 computePickPoseInThread(const Zivid::Frame &frame)
        const auto pointCloud = frame.pointCloud();
        const auto data = pointCloud.copyData<Zivid::PointXYZColorRGBA>();
        // If you know your robot motion to place the object is slow enough, you can move the above two lines to captureInThread

        // This is where you should run your processing to get a pick pose from the point cloud
        return Zivid::Matrix4x4{};

} // namespace

int main()
        Zivid::Application zivid;
        auto camera = zivid.connectCamera();

        std::cout << "Moving the robot with a picked object outside the FOV of the stationary camera" << std::endl;
        const auto outOfCameraFOV = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(outOfCameraFOV, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));

        // At this moment the robot should be outside the camera FOV

            << "Starting, at the same time (in two threads), robot motion to place the object and capturing the point cloud"
            << std::endl;
        auto futureFrame = std::async(std::launch::async, captureInThread, std::ref(camera));
        auto placingCompleted = std::async(std::launch::async, placeObjectInThread);
        const auto frame =
                .get(); // This (capturing the point cloud) should be faster so the robot would not have to stop and wait
        std::cout << "Both robot motion to place the object and capturing the point cloud completed" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Starting the processing (in a separate thread) to get the pick pose for the next cycle"
                  << std::endl;
        auto nextPickPose = std::async(std::launch::async, computePickPoseInThread, frame);

            << "Picking the object from the previous pick cycle (becasue computing the pick new pose is not completed yet at this moment)"
            << std::endl;
        const auto previousCyclePickPose = Zivid::Matrix4x4{};
        robot.Move(previousCyclePickPose, std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));
        std::cout << "Object picked" << std::endl;
    catch(const std::exception &e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << Zivid::toString(e) << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

在下一章节中,我们将介绍我们建议执行的机器视觉过程来帮助您 准备好使您的Zivid相机用于生产