Available Views

There are three available views to choose from at the bottom of the Zivid Studio GUI.


Point Cloud

This view displays the point cloud of the scene after a capture or after loading a ZDF file.

  • Use the left mouse button to rotate the point cloud

  • Use the right mouse button to pan.

  • Zoom in or out by rolling the mouse wheel or, if available, by the middle mouse button followed by dragging the mouse.

Turning color (C & D) and mesh (M) on and off in this view helps evaluate the point cloud quality.


This view displays the color image of the scene after a capture or after loading a ZDF file.

  • Position the mouse pointer over a pixel in the image to get image coordinates, RGB, and SNR values. The pixel values are displayed in the status bar in the bottom left corner of the window.

  • Zoom in or out by rolling the mouse wheel or, if available, by the middle mouse button followed by dragging the mouse.

  • Use the left mouse button to pan the view.


This view displays the depth image of the scene after a capture or after loading a ZDF file.

  • Position the mouse pointer over a pixel in the image to get image coordinates, XYZ, and SNR values. The pixel values are displayed in the status bar in the bottom left corner of the window.

  • Use the drop-down menu located at the top left corner of the view to modify the Z range.

  • Use zoom and pan functionalities in the same way as described in the Color View.

The color scale represents the distance variation along the z-axis from the camera to the surfaces of the imaged objects.

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