Cloud Logging

What it is

Cloud logging is a service aimed to help improve product quality and user experience. When starting a Zivid Application, a cloud connection will be established if possible, and log anonymous usage data. This includes information such as SDK version number, camera model, computer GPU/CPU model/vendor, operating system, country name, capture speed, capture settings, and errors/exceptions. The information makes it easier to give better support and can enable proactive support before incidents happen.


The information is gathered anonymously and Zivid will never gather any personal data.

How to enable/disable

Zivid SDK will by default attempt to establish a cloud connection. Cloud logging is configured through a Config file located in %LOCALAPPDATA%ZividAPI for Windows or "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-$HOME/.config}"/Zivid/API for Ubuntu. To enable or disable the service follow the procedure described below;

If the file already exists, update it with the following information:

__version__: 14
            Enabled: no


Ensure that the __version__ is 14 or higher.

If the file does not exist:

  1. Download the Config.yml file.

  2. Place the downloaded Config file in the following directory.

    mkdir %LOCALAPPDATA%\Zivid\API
    move %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\Config.yml %LOCALAPPDATA%\Zivid\API\
    mkdir --parents "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-$HOME/.config}"/Zivid/API
    mv ~/Downloads/Config.yml "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-$HOME/.config}"/Zivid/API/


    Any existing Config file will be overwritten.


Zivid configuration files must use .yml file extension ( not .yaml).

Version History




Zivid Cloud logging is added.