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Build a C# “Hello World” Application With Reference to Zivid .NET API in Visual Studio


This tutorial shows how to create and start developing a C# application for Zivid in Visual Studio 2017.



Step by step instructions are provided with screenshots below.

Create a new project

Run Visual Studio, then click FileNewProject….

Choose Console App for Visual C#, then add name (ZividHelloWorld) and location (C:\Users\Public\Documents\).

New C# project in Visual Studio

Add reference to Zivid .NET API

Right click on your project in solution explorer, then click AddReference…Browse. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Zivid\bin and add ZividCoreNET.dll and ZividVisualizationNET.dll.

.NET reference manager in Visual Studio

Select the correct platform target

Right click on your project, then click Properties. Under Build, change Platform target to x64.

Platform target in Visual Studio

Add post-build event command line code

Under Build Events, add the following code block to the Post-build event command line:

if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug GOTO Debug
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release GOTO Release
goto Error

xcopy "$(ZIVID_INSTALL_FOLDER)\bin_debug\*.dll" "$(TargetDir)" /Y
exit /B 0

xcopy "$(ZIVID_INSTALL_FOLDER)\bin\*.dll" "$(TargetDir)" /Y
exit /B 0
echo Unsupported config
exit /B 1
Platform target in Visual Studio

Add the main C# code

Go back to your program and replace the code with the following code block:

using System;

namespace ZividHelloWorld
    class ZividHelloWorld
        static int Main()
                var zivid = new Zivid.NET.Application();
                Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
                return 1;
            return 0;

To continue developing in Zivid and C#, check out Zivid .NET API reference and the tutorial to Build C# Samples using Visual Studio on the next page.