Software Upgrade

In order to ensure that all components are properly updated, perform the following before the normal installation.

  1. On your PC, navigate to Control PanelUninstall a program.

  2. Uninstall Zivid Software.

  3. Uninstall TeliCamSDK (x64).

  4. Restart your PC.

Now you may follow the normal installation steps.

  1. Download and run the latest Zivid Software installer.

  2. Check the option to install camera drivers.


    You will be notified if the drivers are already installed.

  3. Check the option to install GenICam GenTL Producer if you plan on using HALCON software.


    GenICam/HALCON support is experimental.

  4. Once the installation is complete, re-plug the camera.


    The first time TeliCamSDK (x64) driver is installed you may have to reboot your computer. Please accept if prompted to reboot.

  5. For Zivid Two, after the installation, proceed to Zivid Two Network Configuration.