
Sample list

There are two main categories of samples: Camera and Applications. The samples in the Camera category focus only on how to use the camera. The samples in the Applications category use the output generated by the camera, such as the 3D point cloud, a 2D image or other data from the camera. These samples shows how the data from the camera can be used.

  • Camera

    • Basic

      • Capture - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera.

      • Capture2D - Capture 2D images from the Zivid camera.

      • CaptureAssistant - Use Capture Assistant to capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera.

      • CaptureFromFileCamera - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid file camera.

      • CaptureHDR - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera.

      • CaptureHDRCompleteSettings - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera with fully configured settings.

      • CaptureWithSettingsFromYML - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file.

    • Advanced

      • CaptureHDRLoop - Cover the same dynamic range in a scene with different acquisition settings to optimize for quality, speed, or to find a compromise.

      • CaptureHDRPrintNormals - Capture Zivid point clouds, compute normals and print a subset.

      • CaptureHalconViaGenICam - Capture and save a point cloud, with colors, using GenICam interface and Halcon C++ SDK.

      • CaptureHalconViaZivid - Capture a point cloud, with colors, using Zivid SDK, transform it to a Halcon point cloud and save it using Halcon C++ SDK.

    • InfoUtilOther

      • CameraUserData - Store user data on the Zivid camera.

      • CaptureWithDiagnostics - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, with settings from YML file and diagnostics enabled.

      • GetCameraIntrinsics - Read intrinsic parameters from the Zivid camera (OpenCV model).

      • PrintVersionInfo - List connected cameras and print version information.

      • Warmup - A basic warm-up method for a Zivid camera with specified time and capture cycle.

  • Applications

    • Basic

      • Visualization

        • CaptureFromFileVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid file camera, and visualize them.

        • CaptureVis3D - Capture point clouds, with color, from the Zivid camera, and visualize them.

      • FileFormats

        • ReadIterateZDF - Read point cloud data from a ZDF file, iterate through it, and extract individual points.

        • ZDF2PLY - Convert point cloud from a ZDF file to a PLY file.

    • Advanced


  1. Install Zivid Software

  2. Download Zivid Sample Data

Launch the Command Prompt by pressing Win + R keys on the keyboard, then type cmd and press Enter.

Navigate to a location where you want to clone the repository, then run to following command:

git clone https://github.com/zivid/zivid-csharp-samples

Open ZividNETSamples.sln in Visual Studio, build it and run it. If you are uncertain about doing this, check out Build C# Samples using Visual Studio.

Some of the samples depend on external libraries, in particular YamlDotNet and MathNet.Numerics. These libraries will be installed automatically through NuGet when building the sample.