
Sample list

There are two main categories of samples: Camera and Applications. The samples in the Camera category focus only on how to use the camera. The samples in the Applications category use the output generated by the camera, such as the 3D point cloud, a 2D image or other data from the camera. These samples shows how the data from the camera can be used.



The recommended Python version for these samples is 3.7 - 3.9.

  1. Install Zivid Software.

  2. Download Zivid Sample Data.

  3. Install the runtime requirements using IDE or command line:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Add the directory source to PYTHONPATH. Navigate to the root of the repository and run:

    • PowerShell: $env:PYTHONPATH=$env:PYTHONPATH + ";$PWD\source"

    • cmd: set PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH;$PWD\source"

    • bash: export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/source"

  5. Open and run one of the samples.